Friday, July 8, 2011

Rock Climbing & Bouldering !!

Decided to go indoor climbing and bouldering with my sister and her friends last Sunday at 100 Guillemard Road, previously known as the Singapore Badminton Hall. Now, it is one favorite place for rock climbing and bouldering enthusiasts. 

Indoor climbing is a form of rock climbing performed on artificial structure that mimics outdoor rock climbing :) The height is higher than bouldering but it is limited because of the ceiling. For indoor climbing, the equipments require will be a pair of climbing shoes, harness, climbing ropes, chalk. 

Chalk holder (pink), climbing shoes and harness

Sister teaching me how to tie the Figure 8 double loop. This is required if you need to secure the ropes on the harness 

5B - Grading of the route according to the UK Rock Climbing Grading system.  This route is relatively easy for beginners.
Jo: Am I on Belay ?
Jas: Belay On.
Jo: Climbing ?
Jas: Climb On.


Ready, Get Set, Go !! 
Technique:  Right Hand Right Leg ~ Left Hand Left Leg
YEAH !! Reach the TOP !! That's sis, belaying... =D
Abseiling !! Yeah ^^v

Bouldering is form of rock climbing without ropes and it is limited to a short climb with a crash mat below.

This wall that I am bouldering on is easier for beginners because if you are able to balance well, you can just lean against the wall to rest...LIKE ME !! on the last picture...Totally shack after climbing for 3hrs :p
For me, I would say this is a good form of endurance and strength training for your arms, abdominal, shoulder, back and leg muscles. All these muscles has to work together to help you to maintain yourself till you reach the designated point...and after that u let go !! haha !! CRASH !  heeeheeez :p

Well, at times I feel that life is also like rock climbing and bouldering. Sometimes you have people helping you and sometimes you might be alone and has to count on your own determination and perseverance to overcome all the challenges ^^.

Special thanks to my sisters and her friends who taught me the correct techniques although there are more to learn :p. Thanks for the encouragement to help me overcome the little challenges.

Want to know more about rock climbing and bouldering ?